The gang reluctantly agrees... UPDATE: Hey Cunning Fire readers: this weekend I’ve had a gnarly health scare and I’m not fully better yet. To prevent things from getting worse I need to temporarily downsize my workload and so CF is going back on hiatus for now. I’ll also be pausing my Patreon for May. I really really hate doing this but at this point I’ve learned the hard way what the consequences of pushing and overworking myself too much are and I need to do better.
Published on by Kaz Rowe.
Comic transcript
Akiva shrugs. AKIVA: "Well, if she supports you, so do I. I just hope you're really as smart as I think you are." RILEY: "Me too." QUINN: "I don't like it, but I trust you, Eden." Naomi glances warily at Rio. NAOMI: "I guess we really have no better option." Rio sighs. RIO. "Seems so." Everyone turns to look at Blair, who is looking down gloomily. EDEN: "Blair, you're my best friend and I love you. I know how much you've done and sacrificed for me. You know I wouldn't just throw that away." Tears slip down Blair's cheeks before she finally gives Eden a weak smile. BLAIR: "No, I know you wouldn't. I'm here for you, dummy."