See, Darcy's still alive!
Chapter 11 Page 8

See, Darcy's still alive!
As Akiva sits folded over, her head in her lap, Darcy enters the park, wearing a purple trench coat and holding an umbrella. She stands before Akiva DARCY: "No coat or anything, huh? Dumbass." Akiva lifts her head in surprise as Darcy crouches down to meet her level. Akiva's green eye shines brighter, the veins around her eye glowing green now as well. AKIVA: "I'm sorry." DARCY: "For what?" AKIVA: "I couldn't kill Bahram." DARCY: "That's not your fault. I think somewhere deep down, I knew this is how it would go. But I was willing to ignore it, because trying something is better than doing nothing."