The chapter ends on a check-in with Bahram... looks like the Elixir definitely knocked him down a peg. What now? See you in Chapter 11!
Comic transcript
Bahram lays on the roof of Darcy's apartment, almost in shock as red specks of light drift away from his body. BAHRAM: "Not this pain again... I consumed so many souls to gain back control of my energy, only to end up back at square one." He clutches his chest and bares his fangs in agony. BAHRAM: "But I am still here. And when I get my hands on Darcy's energy, soon, this setback will mean nothing. You will not kill me a second time, Ora. This isn't over." He stares at the sky, specks of his energy floating away and joining in the expanse of stars in the night sky as the shadow of the Keter coven house looms overhead.