Eden has been working on something for a while now... what could it be? Seems like his visit to Bahram was all business. That's a button, by the way, if you're confused. One of the buttons from Bahram's kosovorotka (shirt). A tangible way to take a bit of Bahram's energy from him, no?
Published on by Kaz Rowe.
Comic transcript
Eden's eyes are closed as his blue energy returns to his body back at Keter. He gasps awake, sitting in a white wooden chair. He leans forward, body trembling, panting as if having a delayed anxiety attack. Then he folds in on himself, just breathing, to calm down. He's in his room at the covenhouse, the lights on but the room still dark and dim. Golden ciphers line the walls. He sits back up, exhaling but still shaking, and opens his hand to reveal a small white button emitting a bright red light- Bahram's energy, the button from his kosovorotka. EDEN: "Success. I'm almost there." The scene changes to a vast, black expanse filled with white, indigo and red stars.